Creative on Purpose

Jay, hailing from Clinton, Mississippi, is a seasoned graphic designer with over 13 years of experience in print and digital design. A graduate of Belhaven University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and Arizona State University with a Master of Science in Graphic Information Technology, Jay has a diverse skill set that spans branding, advertising, illustration, photography, marketing, communications, business development, and e-commerce.
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Q & A —
Where are you from? Clinton, Mississippi.
Tell us a bit about your family. My wife, Andreal, and I have two amazing children. My teenage daughter, Khamrin, is a two-time state champion in track and field, and our toddler son, Amari, excels at everything playground-related.
What is the largest animal you believe you could beat in a fight? I'm confident I could take on a seal.
What are you passionate about and what are your hobbies? Serving people through design is what motivates me each day. My hobbies include lawn care, decorating, weightlifting, music, home improvement, and DIY projects.
Of all the world's geniuses, who do you admire the most? While many brilliant people exist, I believe the term "genius" is often overused. I admire a wide range of people for various reasons, but common individuals have inspired and influenced me the most. For that reason, I would say my wife.
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